Constitution of Rotherham Against the Cuts (RAC)
1. Our Mission Statement:
Rotherham Against the Cuts is a non-partisan group who welcomes the input and solidarity of any group, or individual, who, like us, are committed to fighting the savage program of all cuts that will effect every man, woman and child in this area and beyond.
2. Name Of Organization
The name of the organization will be the Rotherham Against the Cuts (RAC)
3. Aims And Objectives
The group has been set up to oppose all public spending cuts and attacks on the public, private, voluntary and community sectors in Rotherham, and to support and show solidarity with those who resist these attacks.
Our aim is to bring together and involve the different communities and trades unions across Rotherham to build a united resistance. It will invite all such campaigns and all trade unions to affiliate in order to unite and co-ordinate our efforts across Rotherham. RAC is open to support and affiliation from political parties.
We, RAC, shall not accept membership from any organisation and/or individual that espouses discrimination based on age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity or creed as unity is impossible if these things go unchallenged.
4. Affiliation
The group will seek affiliations from Trades Union branches, groups and organizations. The cost will be £50*(minimum for local Trade Union Branches; for regional branches, amount will be discretionary, but must be higher than the amount for local branches) £5* (minimum for small local groups). Membership for individuals will cost £1.
5. Governance
RAC shall have an Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) as and when necessary for the furthering of our Aims and Objectives. The constitution can only be amended at an AGM or EGM.
RAC shall function as an open, transparent and democratic group and will form committees when necessary. Its decisions will be made by simple majority vote.
RAC will hold open meetings at least once a month. Up until the first AGM, while the organisation is broadening its base of affiliates, RAC will take decisions on the basis of one vote for each person present.
Prior to an AGM, we will hold an EGM to decide the weighting of the different groups and affiliations attending and voting at the AGM.
RAC Committees should strive at all times to be representative of the wider community in their make-up, and make the Chair a rotating post, who will facilitate meetings and will be acknowledged to be the current representative of the organisation.
The AGM will elect officers to act as an executive between meetings, to carry forward decisions taken; deal with press, publicity and correspondence; and respond to events. Any emergency decisions taken will be reported to and ratified by the Steering Committee. The RAC officers may include a Chair, a Vice-Chairs, a Treasurer, a Publicity officer, a Press officer a Membership Secretary and so, and will be supported by small committees.
6. Finance.
All the monies raised by the group shall be applied to further the aims and objectives of the group.
The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finance of the group and shall maintain a bank account.
The group shall bank at a place suitable for access for the Treasurer.
Two signatures from a stated list of three shall be required to withdraw money from the group’s account.
Members shall be reimbursed agreed expenses incurred whilst undertaking approved (by committee) business expenses on behalf of the group. Any expense over £50 must be agreed by the committee.
The group will ensure that all accounts are independently examined at the end of each year.
7. Powers
In order to achieve its aims the group may:
Raise money
Open bank accounts
Work with similar groups and exchange information and advice.
Do anything, which is lawful, which helps to fulfill its aims.
8. Alterations to the Constitution
Any changes to this constitution must be agreed by two thirds of those present and voting at the AGM.
9. Dissolution
The Group may be wound up at any time if agreed by two- thirds of those members present and voting at the AGM. In the event of winding up, any assets, after debts have been paid, shall be given to another group with similar aims.
10. Adoption of the Constitution.
Until the first AGM takes place the persons whose names, addresses and signatures appear at the bottom of this document shall act as the Management Committee referred to in this constitution.
The constitution was adopted on 2nd August 2011 by Neil Adshead, Chris Bingham, Tom Donaldson, Ralph Dyson Linzi Haynes, Simon Thorne, Brian Todd, Ben Vergara, constituting themselves as the valid representatives of RAC and in the presence of the elected Treasurer (Tom Donaldson) and Publicity Officer (Chris Bingham).